When writing, don’t worry about perfect grammar. Just write to make it sound like you.
Today I saw a post about how this person’s goal when writing is to make it sound exactly as if he was speaking. He says he doesn’t focus at all on grammar because proper grammar doesn’t always convey the right tone.
I couldn’t agree more.
This resonated with me because I know how valuable owned audiences are and will be in the future. I’m quickly learning how important writing actually is. If I’m ever going to have an audience of my own, I must be able to write. Even if I had an audience on YouTube or TikTok, I’d still want to weave in email too. I’ve always known how important email is. I want it to be me they hear from if I’m showing up in their inbox. I must be able to write.
If I’m going to get confident in my writing ability, I need to do it more. I need to f*cking practice. How else do I expect to get better? This is precisely why I have the Publishing score in my Pocket Accountability tracker. I need to build this habit as well. It doesn’t have to be anything insane either. Just publish something like 300 words per day. It may even naturally grow from there just like my Health score has.
Start small when you’re trying to set a new habit. Don’t overwhelm yourself. I was in a serious rut of not going to the gym for a while, and I knew I needed to get back into it. I started small… maybe 3 lifting machines (whatever they’re called) at a gym like Planet Fitness. As time went on, I would get curious about another workout. So I’d try it. I loved it because it also felt like I did something “extra” that day… then it became part of my daily routine because I didn’t want to regress from the day before. It just happened naturally. I can do the same for writing. I need to set a f*cking goal. I need to set this habit.
This all started because I saw a post about how this person’s goal when writing is to make it sound exactly as if he was speaking. It obviously struck a chord with me too. I was meant to read that today.
I need to make my writing and publishing habit a priority.
If I know how important the ability to write is, why wouldn’t I act like it?