What is an In-Market Prospect?
An in-market prospect is a prospect of yours who is actively shopping for the thing that you sell.
They’re shopping, they’re researching, and they’re on a buyer journey right now.
Typically, only about 3% of your marketplace is ever in-market for your solution at any given time.
And 100% of your company’s revenue has come from someone who was previously in-market. Makes sense right?
I know you know this, yet you’re still in the dark ages of blindly cold prospecting people off of a list that you bought.
You must be focused on your in-market prospects when you’re doing outbound. Otherwise, you’re just wasting time, money, and energy.
How to Find Your In-Market Prospects
First, start with the people on your company website.
They’re on your site for a reason.. because they’re researching you. They’re not there to buy a toaster oven.
You own the data that’s on your website because it’s your first-party data — the data on your in-market prospects.
We believe that all of your resources should be targeting only these people. You need to stop reaching out to cold, uninterested prospects and trying to convince them to come into the market.
Second, you can use an inexpensive platform to help with this: LeadFeeder.
They’ll help identify the accounts and companies on your website, but will be very limited overall.
If you want to know the actual people on your website — we can do that for you... without you having to learn a new piece of tech.

They Want to Hear From You
Your in-market prospects want to hear from you.
If you believe your solution has the power to truly transform someone’s life and their business, you are doing them a major disservice by not reaching out to them and offering your solution.
You need a way to get connected with these people.
We’ll tell you who your in-market prospects are, whether they visited your website or not.
If you had an entire audience of people who were going to buy what you’ve got... do you think you can close them?
Great — let’s talk.