What can cannabis do for your mental health?

We honestly have no idea.
Why do we not know this yet?
Healthline says: There’s not enough scientific evidence to recommend cannabinoids for treating mental health conditions, a new study finds.
But if I were to point you anywhere, it would be to rethink.org’s Cannabis and Mental Health Factsheet. You can download the PDF right onto your computer.
- This is the most recent, in-depth study I’ve seen that’s been done on medicinal cannabis use for psychiatric disorders. I don’t know all of the use cases cannabis has, but I do think it’s something we need to be looking more into. A lot more.
Products with THC or CBD have been used in recent years as a way to self-medicate for certain mental health conditions.
And I can honestly say it’s helped me, personally. It’s either very calming or very uplifting. It either helps me laugh more or fall asleep easier. I’ve never been diagnosed with any mental health conditions, but I’ve felt much, much better as of late.
68% of us Americans support legalization (Forbes), why aren’t we legalizing?
- “Consumer interest in using cannabis — especially cannabidiol, or CBD — to treat depression, anxiety, and other mental health conditions has increased sharply in the past few years.”
- Healthline also says “This trend is driven in part by celebrities like Jennifer Aniston and Kristen Bell who are embracing CBD as a way to ease their symptoms of anxiety and depression.” And, I mean.. Lol who can blame us? Jen and Kristen are pillars of these United States.
For some, cannabis is bad though
So it really might never be worth it to some. It really just depends on the type of person you are. I mean, some people are allergic to cannabis and I can’t say I blame them for not putting their support behind its legalization. Same with those who get anxious or paranoid. For me, it’s not bad. It’s almost always very good. 🙂
Some of the money behind cannabis
If you like money, those states that legalized recreational cannabis use saw a juicy bump in tax revenue. I made a spreadsheet that shows you how many dollars per person these states earned in 2020. (Only the ones where cannabis is fully legal.)
What’s more, Boise State University suggests that the legalization of cannabis reduces violence and trafficking associated with the illegal drug trade thereby reducing the power and wealth of cartels and drug gangs.
It’s already an obvious tax income machine.
It could actually reduce crime too?
If it really does reduce crime —let’s say—AND helps fund our future, why on God’s green earth do we have souls sitting in prison cells right now just because they had a little bit in their pockets?
Common sense should tell you these people need to be released immediately, but our country doesn’t care because it’s not happening to white people.
Every single human being who’s been incarcerated on a cannabis possession charge needs to be released and paid reparations, immediately.
I can take a natural, unprocessed cannabis plant, light it up a bit, and drift off to sleep like I did when I was a kid. And people are in prison for having that in their pocket.
Here I am talking about State’s tax income… governments and companies are profiting billions off this. And we’ve got people in f*cking prison because they had a nug in their pocket.
It’s undeniably abhorrent and tremendously inhumane. People are ripped out of their worlds, locked up for years.
We stole their years. We stole their life. For nothing.
I can sit here — comfortably in my own home —and begin to write about this theory that cannabis could help our mental health, yet there are humans locked up in a prison cell.
How is that even possible?
I’m sorry I got off track. I needed to somehow get that out into the world. We need to let these people go.