I’m up in Michigan for 3… probably 4 months. And I need to nail down my routines. I need to make sure I keep building and keep moving forward. I’m not at home, and I’m not in my zone. But that’s not an excuse. If I’m going to have the life I want, I must adapt and find my groove.
When we were back down in NC moving our stuff out of the apartment, we got a Planet Fitness membership (Black Card), and I need to make use of it. I will make use of it.
I got so used to having a gym within walking distance. Up here, the closest PF is 20 minutes away—driving. I’ve been on a roll, and I just can’t let being here in Michigan throw me off the wagon. I can’t break my streak this time.
So, to help, I’m going to get serious about time blocking my calendar. I need that structure. My days are far better when I actually take the time to plan them out. I know this, and I feel it. Every time. I can’t tolerate having unstructured days any longer. I’m starting to learn who Kyle really is and how he operates. I know what he thrives on and what can derail him. I’m still learning all these things about myself, but now I know enough to make my days work. I know how to make myself have good days… or simply curb the not-so-good days.
I keep saying I need a lot. I know what I need. Now, I just gotta do it. Let’s get after it.
My Pocket Accountability spreadsheet has been helping me so much these last few months, and I know that’s key to my motivation. Seeing a tangible number—a Kyle score—helps me know what I need to do each week to make sure I make it a productive one.
My routines are key. I know this. But knowing is just not good enough. It’s well past time to capitalize on it.
For example, I know my Publishing score has been SUFFERING lately. I can see it on my spreadsheet. When I see it there, I also feel it. I’m not a writer by any means, but I know it’s a habit that I want to build. I know shipping something—anything—daily will help me improve. It’ll help flesh out my thoughts and improve this skill.
I can do this. I know I can.