How To Cancel Credit One Credit Cards Without Having to Bang Your Head Against The Wall With Their Customer Support
Credit One not having a Live Chat option for customer support is one of the biggest reasons I can’t stand them (even though I was a customer for 3+ years lol).
The annual fees are stupid and the cashback rewards are meager at best.
Calling and cancelling your accounts via phone is archaic. So, it might take a little bit longer, but you won’t have to wait on the phone for a second.
Grab this Google doc, edit it accordingly and mail it to the address listed at the top of the page.
IMPORTANT: Do NOT try to request access to that very doc because I simply won’t do it. You must make a copy of it and use it as your own (it’s very easy to do honestly, but even the sharpest tools in the shed get this wrong every now and again lol).
Click File and then Make a copy to get your very own cancel doc.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to drop a comment below. :)
Happy cancelling.