How IT companies and MSPs can generate thousands of hungry leads every single month without spending a dime on Google ads or Facebook ads
Finding new IT clients is hard. When a business gets set up with their new IT company, they end up staying for a very long time.
IT services are very sticky because switching to a new service provider can sometimes be more of a headache than it’s really worth. Convincing someone to switch their IT provider is a hard thing to do. And so is finding a business that is ready for an IT services provider but has not yet hired one. So, before you are ever going to find that elusive “next client”, you’re going to have to have a few good leads. No one just pops in and buys. While your end goal is to get a few more new clients across the finish line, you need leads first.
There’s a very simple way for IT companies to have hundreds — if not thousands — of qualified, hungry leads coming in the door every. single. month. Without fail.
Just look at the data on Google. (I use SEMrush to peek at Google’s data.)
Just in the Charlotte, North Carolina area, there are over 400 people who are searching for IT managed or consulting services every single month.
Managed IT Services Charlotte is searched 250 times.
IT Consulting Charlotte — 170 searches per month.
As an IT/MSP in the Charlotte area, I think you’d want to at least have a chat with the folks who are searching just these 2 keywords. You must know that this is data from only two keywords in the Charlotte, North Carolina area. Only two. And there are hundreds — if not thousands — of different keywords one might search on Google to find their next IT service provider. Even with just these two keywords, there are over 400 searches.
And we both know how lucrative just one new IT client could be worth. These leads are the closest thing to gold.
So how are you supposed to find out who these people are? How are you able to get a crack at these leads and a shot at winning a new client?
- You could set up a Google ads campaign and target these people directly.
- You could work your tail off trying to get your own company’s website to organically rank on the first page of Google. (This is a very good long-term strategy that most people give up on because they don’t see immediate results.)
SEO — or search engine optimization — is something you should be working on in the background while you’re doing your outbound prospecting and even other paid ads campaigns.
SEO will not deliver immediate results because there are other people and other companies who’ve been in the game for MUCH longer and Google favors that longevity.
If you’re just starting out, you’re never going to be able to compete with someone who’s website has been up for 10 years. It just won’t happen. Not until you prove to Google’s algorithms that your website is credible enough — and that takes time and consistency.
SEJ says the first organic search results on Google are clicked ~28% of the time. So, even if you’re the top-ranked website for a search term, only about 1 in 4 people will click the link to your website. And even less will actually make it to your website.
Statistics also show that B2B websites only convert visitors to leads at a clip of about 2%. You would need 100 people to click the link and visit your website for you to have 2 measly leads come through.
People don’t visit B2B websites to catch up on the latest gossip — or to be entertained.
People visit B2B websites because they are researching and shopping for ways to make their business better. They’re looking for ways to do things faster, better, and for less $$$.
If an IT company has 100 people visit their website and get just 2 leads from those 100… they’re missing out on 98 other potential opportunities. Now, we both know that not every website visitor is created equal. Not every website visitor is actually a qualified lead, right? Just the nature of the business.
Out of those other 98 visitors, you cannot tell me that there isn’t a number of very good, qualified, and hungry sales leads. You have no idea though because you don’t know who those people are.
Let’s go back to those 400 people searching for IT services in the Charlotte area.
If someone is searching “managed IT services charlotte”, I think we can agree that this person is actively researching and shopping for an IT services provider in the Charlotte, North Carolina area.
Until very recently, these people would remain anonymous.
Until recently, you had no way of knowing who these people were.
At LiftCertain, we’re building a platform called SiteVisitor.
Were able to monitor very specific, high buying intent keywords and identify the individual people who are searching these terms.
Managed IT Services Charlotte is searched 250 times and SiteVisitor is able to identify, by name, who is doing this search.
IT Consulting Charlotte — 170 searches per month. SiteVisitor is able to identify, by name, who is doing this search too.
Spending a dime on Google ads or Facebook ads.
And without you having your website even organically ranked anywhere in the search engines.
Instead of you having to put a ton of $$$ into Google ads, hoping someone clicks your link, hoping they actually make it to your website, and hoping — yet again — that they actually reach out to you…
SiteVisitor will just tell you who’s searching.
It’ll tell you:
- Their name
- Their job title
- Their contact info (email/phone/LinkedIn profile URL)
- Where they work
- How big their company is
- And, most importantly, what they’re looking for right now
If you were an IT company in the Charlotte, North Carolina area and you had the names of all the people searching managed IT services charlotte or IT consulting charlotte, you could just pick up the phone and call them.
You could email them.
Or reach out to them on LinkedIn (this works wonders).
You won’t have to worry about setting up and putting money into Google ads or Facebook ads.
You don’t have to stress over your website’s SEO ranking. You should be working on this, yes, but if you need more clients now, SEO isn’t going to help you as much. Not yet anyway.
SiteVisitor can tell you the names of the people in your entire marketplace who are actively pursuing a purchase of what you sell. They’re currently, actively shopping for, in this specific example, an IT service provider.
SiteVisitor will also tell you the names of the people who have visited your website — without them having to fill out a form. It’ll identify all of your anonymous website visitors so you can actually have a decent crack at all of the leads you’ve already earned.
SiteVisitor helps unlock the opportunity that’s already on your website.
If I owned an IT company in Charlotte, North Carolina, and could service clients nationwide, I’d want to know who was searching for managed IT services.
The keyword “Managed IT services” — nationwide — is searched over 60,000 times per month. That would be my lead list if I were doing outbound.
These 60,000 people would be my targeted audience if I were running some cheap display ads.
I’d even upload these 60,000 to a Custom Audience on Facebook and run ads to them. I’d be ok with investing the dollars here because I know — without a shadow of a doubt — that these people are who I need to be in front of.
People pay BIG BUCKS for Google ads and to be the first link on the search results.
SiteVisitor, instead, just tells you who’s searching for what so you don’t have to compete with the industry behemoths with deeper marketing pockets.
Think of it as SiteVisitor uncovering the existing demand in your marketplace. These are people who, on their own, realized they have a problem that needs to be fixed… so they started researching, again, on their own. There’s no reaching out and convincing someone that they need what you’re offering. They realized this on their own and it’s much easier to get these folks to engage.
SiteVisitor gives the little guys an uncompetitive advantage never seen before.
The best part though? You can get a 30-day trial of SiteVisitor — completely risk-free.
30 days of an unfair competitive advantage to see who in your marketplace is ready to buy.
My name is Kyle Ackerman and I’m helping build LiftCertain. I’m helping bring our platform — and SiteVisitor is able to identify, by name, who is doing this search — SiteVisitor — to market.
I believe that SiteVisitor and its technology are needed by every single company in the B2B universe. And I’m helping build this awesome company because I believe this with every fiber of my being.
SiteVisitor officially launched in early 2020. Over 98% of people who hop on a demo with us are absolutely blown away by what the platform can do.
They’re blown away by the vast amount of marketplace insight they’ll get.
And, if you give us 15 minutes of your time, you’ll be blown away too.
Before we do any of that though — I’d love to show you some data on your own company. To help you see how much demand is out there, right now, for what you sell.
If you’re up for it, shoot me an email:
Text: 989–439–0177
Twitter: @kyledackerman
Before I ask for time on your calendar, I just want to show you what’s out there. And show you what you could expect.
Almost every B2B company in the entire United States has hundreds — if not thousands — of hungry, qualified sales leads available to them today. They just don’t have a way to get access to that data… Unless they have SiteVisitor.
And, if you happen to be an IT company, I would seriously recommend you reach out to me immediately. There is a tremendous, tremendous amount of data out there that shows there are thousands of qualified leads, every single month. Thousands and thousands of people are going to Google and trying to find the IT service provider that’s perfect for them. Again, we both know how lucrative a cybersecurity client can end up being. SiteVisitor can get you these leads, instantly.
Get in touch with me:
Text: 989–439–0177
Twitter: @kyledackerman
This article was originally published here: