Chat+ Is The Only Live Chat That Helps Your Website Rank Higher
Chat+ Is The Only Live Chat That Helps Your Website Rank Higher
Chat+ is the only live chat lead generation tool that helps your website rank higher in the search engines.
If you want more leads from your website, you need live chat. Live chat helps convert a larger percentage of your website traffic.
79% of companies say the mere presence of live chat on their website has positively impacted sales, revenues, and customer relations.

Chat+ Makes Your Website More *Human*
With Chat+, your website becomes more *human*.
People will feel more comfortable reaching out and starting a sales conversation.
If you want your website to generate more leads, you need live chat.
But It Also Attracts Dream Clients
Now, you need more website traffic (more traffic, more leads).
If your website ranks higher in the search engine, more people will see you. More eyeballs, more leads, more traffic.
You’ll never rank #1 on Google if you don’t have your business listed on the most credible online directories.
We call this your “portfolio of business listings”.
If you happen to be #1 right now and you *don’t* have a portfolio of business listings, you will be taken out by a competitors who decides to get their act together.
Every time your business is listed on a credible directory, it sends a signal to Google’s algorithm saying that you are *more legitimate*. The more legitimate you are, the higher you rank. (Every single listing must be exactly identical to every other one out there or they won’t be linked together).
Website Leads Analysis — Results in under 7 minutes
Find out how many leads you’re missing out on by not having live chat on your website.
A large number of people prefer to start conversations with chat/text message. If you don’t have that option, they won’t do business with you.
Find out how many leads you’re missing out on each month.
Take the analysis.
Chat+ Gets To Work Immediately After Installation
Immediately after installation, Chat+ starts building you a reputable portfolio of 150+ business listing citations.
This provides an instant SEO boost when done correctly.
Chat+ Handles It All For You
As a Chat+ customer, you’ll have all of this handled for you.
Our goal is to make this as simple as possible. You don’t need to learn our software to enjoy its benefits. 🙂
You can certainly build your business listings portfolio on your own, but:
How long will it take you to set up each account?
How long to verify that every citation is correctly listed?
What about when you need to edit some info?
How long will that take each time?
Chat+ handles all of this for you.
Chat+ will attract more of your dream clients and convert the website visitors who are closest to buying.
When you need to edit your business listing information (maybe you open a new location, change your hours of opertain, update your website URL, move locations, etc)… when you need to change all of this info, Chat+ handles it for you. You need to submit only one form and the changes are made on your behalf. You don’t need to learn how to do any of this, Chat+ handles it all for you.
Your business information is secure 24/7.
No one can come in and make an unauthorized changes. (If this happens, it could damage your search engine ranking).
Chat+ Is Currently Invite-Only
Chat+ is still in beta and not open to the public just yet. If you’re interested in being notified when it publicly launches, please email with the email subject “Chat+ notification”.