Building a SaaS | Check-in #2 | Started Website Build With DropFunnels + Working On Courses, Market Research

- New video is up here:
September 2nd, 2021 is Day #3 for me so I thought I’d do a little check-in and show you what I’ve been up to. Yesterday, I got the skeleton of my website up and running (no, not officially launched yet).
I’m working on the copy + design of the homepage and, right now, it just has a ton of dummy content. It’s a very rough draft at this point. I’m using DropFunnels to build my website. It’s built on WordPress and has literally everything any creator would need to make well over $1m per year.
Everything. I’m not joking.
Check it out for yourself:
I’ve also started planning out some courses. While I was listing out everything I need to teach, I realized I could just package up each little module and make it its own course/product. Entirely standalone.
This way, I can quickly build what seems like a massive ecosystem and then link everything together. Credibility + trust will no doubt follow if I were to list out 20–30 different products (instead of let’s say 2 products with 15 modules each). Now I can combine all of my courses into one massive course and offer that as a discount! There are so many different ways I could play this too. The more I think about it, the more excited I get.
I’m also going to dive into a few Facebook Groups with my ideal customers in them. I want to learn more about what they want + what they’re struggling with. I’ll be talking with my mom + sister too, but I want to hear from other people living in other places too. I want to see if there’s anything else I can help these folks with.
This check-in was much, much shorter than my 60 min pilot lol… but I needed to make myself sit down today and record a quick video. I smoked before recording + writing up this description. And it definitely, definitely helped. I know this practice of building in public will help me in the long run. All I gotta do is make it a habit.
The rest will come. 😎
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