Adding another pillar to my Pocket Accountability tracker — check it out
From my weekly Pocket Accountability recap newsletter:
I’m considering adding in a Knowledge pillar (haven’t decided on a name yet)… basically, I want to track the number of minutes that I read or listen to an audiobook. If I’m on my walks in the morning, I can double dip and make those walks more productive by also listening to an audiobook (listening to this right now). It’s a way to squeeze more productivity out of these walks. I don’t read the Bible like I should either so this would be a perfect way to build that habit too.
Bottom line is: if I want to improve anything, I need to put the time in. I have to put reading minutes in if I want to keep soaking up all the knowledge that’s out there.
I’ve been staying more motivated than ever before.
I’ve been building better, stronger habits faster than ever before.
And it’s all thanks to my little Pocket Accountability tracker that I built out of a Google Sheets spreadsheet.
Now, I’m thinking I need to take it up a notch. I’ve seen how this thing works and how it’s helped me. I need to take advantage.
I know I want to read more. But I hate sitting down for an hour to just read. I end up getting distracted. (Grow up, I know I know.) Podcasts really have never been my thing either. So I never thought I’d enjoy an audiobook. But last week, I started listening to the book Antifragile (linked above), and I’ve really enjoyed it. I mean, there are a lot of different concepts and ideas that are so brand new and foreign to me. But it literally feels good to expand my horizons with this type of thinking. Maybe this is opening a door to more audiobooks and even podcasts.
Anyway, I know I want to read more. It’s not so much the reading that I want, it’s the knowledge that comes along with it. I know I want that knowledge… or at least give myself a chance to learn more, so I need to build a better habit. I need to build a reading/knowledge habit. To do this, I’m going to need a new pillar in my Pocket Accountability. I just don’t know what I want it to be yet. I want it to be broader than just reading. I’d like it to be something like Knowledge or Skills. Skills doesn’t exactly cover it. Though it could serve more of a purpose later when I decide to gain other skills or continue to sharpen the skills I already have.
I’ve been tracking the # of minutes I’ve read over the last few days. When I decide to add that pillar into my Pocket Accountability tracker, I’ll have some data backlogged that I get to play with (much more fun that way lol). I’m just fleshing out a few ideas I have before I actually add it in.
This little tracker has helped me out so much already. I love it. 🙂
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Toodles ♥️