Add $10k Revenue Per Month To Your Cleaning Company
If your goal is to add $10k in monthly recurring revenue to your cleaning company in the next 5 months, it really comes down to 1 thing.
I don’t mean that it’s the only thing… There are a lot of things that go into growing a profitable company. But without a source of fresh leads and estimate requests coming in the door, you won’t grow no matter what you do.
Every growing business on this planet would love to have more, closable leads.
Marketing your company is a full-time job in itself.
It takes a lot of blood, sweat, and tears to grow your company ON TOP OF the blood, sweat, and tears you already pour into providing a high-quality experience to your clients.
Smart business people forecast goals for the months, quarters, and years ahead.
If you’re one of those people who have a revenue goal they want to hit, you’re part of a rare audience. You’d really be shocked at how many cleaning companies (and other local business owners) don’t even THINK about marketing their companies.
It kinda makes my stomach hurt because it’s SO EASY to market a local business. But then I have to remember — I likely only think it’s that *easy* because I’ve been doing it all my adult life in some form or another.
Setting a revenue goal + hitting it really just comes down to math.
Let’s take my mom’s cleaning company for example…
Anytime we’re in growth mode and ready for more clients, we figure out what we need to get there.
In this case, we’re trying to add $10k revenue.
We know that we bring in an average of $250-$300 per month per client on either a weekly or bi-weekly cleaning schedule.
(I’m not sure what you charge, but whatever you’re charging, start pitching your prices with a 20% increase… most of us tend to deeply undervalue ourselves. You deserve more than what you’re currently charging, I can almost promise that.)
So let’s say that number is $250 — we’re going to bring in $250 per month for each weekly or bi-weekly cleaning client we add.
If we’re trying to add $10k per month, we need 40 new clients on either a weekly or bi-weekly cleaning schedule.
(I have NOTHING against targeting the larger, one-time deep cleans… but our goal here is monthly recurring revenue. We want to be in these peoples’ houses at least weekly because they stick for a LONG TIME once we become part of their routines.)
Again, to hit that $10k, we need 40 new clients.
So how do we get those 40 clients?
You need leads.
With paid digital ads, you can get leads predictably. You can get these leads on-demand… whenever you need them. Basically like pulling them out of thin air.
I said *paid* though, so yes, you would need to invest a few marketing dollars.
Having all your clients come via word of mouth or referrals is terrific! And you should be incredibly proud of this. But word of mouth is not predictable at all. You can’t control when someone will refer someone else to you. With paid ads, you can control the entire process.
Alright, back to it. We need 40 new clients so we need leads.
How many leads do you need?
This is going to be the part where it varies from business to business.
You need to figure out what your conversion rate is.
Out of 10 people who request an estimate from you, how many of those end up becoming clients?
If you’ve NEVER done any paid ads, you’re going to have a very high conversion rate. It’s so much easier to close a word-of-mouth lead because they’ve already requested an estimate after being sold on your services by someone else. 🙂
For my mom (when we first started running paid ads) she would close 8 out of 10.
It was wild.
RARELY did she not get a new client after giving them her proposed rate.
But after a year or 2, I dug into it.
I wanted to learn more about *how* she was selling to these people.
Once she told me how much she was charging, it became entirely obvious. She was charging so little… she was TOTALLY undervaluing herself. She didn’t actually charge per hour — she charged by the job. But it came out to something like $20-$25 per hour. She provided all of the supplies too of course… so she had expenses flying out the window on $25 per hour.
So we made some changes — when she started charging more, she started making more money BUT her conversion rate dropped.
Instead of closing 80% of the leads that came in, she was now closing about 40% of them.
But she also began getting those higher-quality clients (who paid her on time, every time).
It was totally worth it for us to spend a little more to acquire a higher-quality client. 🙂
And it will be for you too! I’m serious about you charging 20% more — just try it on your next 5 estimates and see what happens!
Let’s say your conversion rate is also 40%.
(Meaning you only close 4 out of 10 estimate requests for a weekly or bi-weekly cleaning.)
If your conversion rate is 40%, you need 100 leads over the next 5 months to get your 40 new clients.
That’s it.
I was able to generate estimate requests for my mom for $14.98 each using Facebook ads.
If we needed 100 leads and it cost us $14.98 to get each one, then it’ll end up costing us $1,498 to get 40 clients who are paying us every single month, every single time.
There’s a lot that goes into building a profitable Facebook ads campaign, but, really, anyone can do it. 🙂
Including you.
And I want my help, I’d love to help give you a headstart. I put together an ebook that shows you the exact Facebook ad campaign we’re using today to bring in these leads. You could just copy everything that I do and start pulling leads out of thin air tomorrow.
⚠️ Get the ebook:
I’m not saying you HAVE to run paid ads to get these 100 leads… I’m just saying is WAY easier.
But just knowing that you need 100 leads over 5 months (20 per month) gives you a goal to strive for.
If you want to grow by $10k, $20k, or $30k+ per month, just figure out how many leads you need to get there and focus on THAT. Do anything you can to bring those leads in.
It just comes down to math. It takes the bias out of it. You know what you need to hit your goal and now you just gotta go out and get it. 😎
If you’ve got a revenue goal you want to hit for your cleaning company AND you’re willing to invest a few marketing dollars into a Facebook ad, just copy my exact campaign. And if you need help along the way, I’m only a DM away.
⚠️ Get that ebook here:
My ebook is only going to help you get from point A to point B faster than you’d be able to on your own.
It’s no fault of yours at all… it’s simply because I’ve been in the digital marketing space for nearly a decade. I know what works. I know what doesn’t work. And I know what works better.
Anyone can do what I do.
It just takes time to learn.
I decided I wanted to make a bigger impact in this world.
And, for me, that meant helping other business owners and entrepreneurs hunt down the life they want. To do that, most of the time they are looking to grow their business. Leads are the lifeblood of all businesses on this planet… not just cleaning companies.
I believe teaching someone how to generate their own leads for their business is one of the greatest things I can do.
For $47, you’ll have a step-by-step plan to craft the perfect client-getting campaign for your own cleaning company.
Figure out how many leads you need to hit your target revenue goal.
Take that number and multiply it by $20-$25 (to be conservative).
Whatever that number is, that’s how much it’ll cost to hit your goal.
Once you have that, start setting up your ad campaign.
You’ll usually have leads coming in within a day or so. 😎
⚠️ Get the ebook and start growing: